What is the 100% Happiness Guarantee

The happiness guarantee is our promise that if you are unhappy with your product for certain reasons, we will add the value of the order plus an additional £10 as store credit to your account with us on the basis that you will be able to make an upgraded order at some point in the future.

What reasons apply to the 100% Happiness Guarantee?

  • Goods not as ordered (different product or different size)

  • Items have arrived in poor condition

  • Item has not lasted as long as it should - most commonly, flowers that  have lasted fewer than 7 days. Please note some flowers with shorter lifespans are only guaranteed for 5 days - these include roses. dyed flowers (eg rainbow flowers, black roses etc) and spring flowers (eg daffodils, hyancinths, tulips etc).

What if my issue is not one of these reasons?

If you have a different issue with your order, please get in touch with our customer service team and we will review and compensate as appropriate. This includes (but is not limited to) the following reasons:

  • An item has been substituted and you are unhappy with the substitution

  • Gift message was not included

  • Item was delivered later than the requested date

How do I claim my 100% Happiness Guarantee?

In the order history in your account area, alongside any recently delivered item is the option to automatically claim your store credit. Unless referred, the decision and allocation of credit is immediate.

What if I don’t want store credit?

You may be entitled to a reorder or a refund. If you would prefer this, then please contact the customer service team through the help page so they can assist you. You can do this by selecting that you need more help at the bottom of the article.

Does store credit expire?

Our store credit lasts for 12 months

What can I use store credit on?

Store Credit can be used on anything except subscription products.

Unlike discount codes, store credit can be used on items that have already been discounted. It can also be used in conjunction with discount codes.

I processed my Happiness Guarantee but I’ve not been allocated credit

Not all Happiness Guarantee claims are processed immediately. Some are automatically referred for review. A claim being referred is not an implication of wrongdoing or dishonesty.

Following investigation, the happiness guarantee will either be processed or declined. Reasons for a declined claim include:

  • Situations where we are repeatedly unable to fulfill a customer’s expectations

  • Serial usage

  • Issues beyond the control of the company or its supply chain

  • Dissatisfaction with pricing, where you have received the items as described

  • Spurious or dishonest claims. 

All decisions will be made in keeping with your rights as set out by the Consumer Rights Act. 

Can I appeal a declined claim?

If we decide to decline a Happiness Guarantee claim, the customer may appeal in writing to:


Floor 3

6-8 Bonhill Street
