A classic bouquet of pink LA lilies and pure white Athena roses. This arrangement is perfect for any occasion, be it birthday or new born, and is sure to leave the recipient more than impressed by their floral surprise. The bouquet will be delivered hand-tied along with your personal message.
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Standard: 2x Pink LA Lilies, 5x White Athena Roses, 2x Greenbell
Large: 3x Pink LA Lilies, 7x White Athena Roses, 2x Greenbell
Extra Large: 4x Pink LA Lilies, 10x White Athena Roses, 4x Greenbell
Add-ons may contain nuts or other allergens. Please contact us if you have any concerns.
Large: 3x Pink LA Lilies, 7x White Athena Roses, 2x Greenbell
Extra Large: 4x Pink LA Lilies, 10x White Athena Roses, 4x Greenbell
Add-ons may contain nuts or other allergens. Please contact us if you have any concerns.
Standard Tracked (7am - 9pm)
Standard Tracked (7am - 5pm)
Premium Tracked (7am - 9pm)
Guaranteed Pre-2pm Delivery
For more delivery information please, click here
Deliveries of alcohol will be subject to age verification, including challenge 25
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Additional Information
Is this bouquet safe for pets? | Lilies are highly toxic to cats, so we would recommend that cat owners avoid this bouquet. They can also cause some adverse effects on animals in dogs (such as an upset tummy), so please keep lilies out of their reach. |
How long should the bouquet last? | Our 100% Happiness Guarantee promises that each of our bouquets will last at least 5 days. If your bouquet doesn't last this long, or you have any other issues, learn how to redeem your guarantee here. |
How should I care for this product? | We include care tips with all bouquets which will help your recipient get the most out of their flowers. For more information, visit My Flowers to see our recommended care tips. |
Will my flowers look like the picture? | We send the roses semi-bloomed, and the lilies in bud. This helps to protect the delicate flowers in transit and means your bouquet will need a day or two in water to fully bloom and look like the picture. |
How are the flowers packaged? | The flowers will be wrapped in branded cellophane for protection, and packaged in a branded cardboard box. |
Will the flowers come in water? | Our flowers will arrive in a hydration unit called a porto. This is a sponge that keep them hydrated during their journey. This is because a vase or jug of water would be likely to cause water damage in transit. Be sure to trim the stems when they arrive and place them in water as soon as possible. |