Caring for your plant

caring for your plants succulents

Some top tips on caring for your plant!

At Blossoming Gifts we understand that everyone can’t be flower or plant experts! So here are a few simple tips on how to care for your house plants.

1. Choose the right location Although the dresser in your bedroom may look like the perfect place to put your new plant you may be wrong! You might need to rearrange things slightly depending on the needs of your plant. You should find a location away from heat vents or air conditioners, in good light and above radiators or televisions. For lots of sunlight, put your plant in an east/west facing window. For mild sunlight, a south facing window is good. And for little sunlight, place your plant in a north facing window. This is a very important thing to consider when caring for your plant. Orchid plants love the light and the window is the perfect spot!

2. Give your plants the right amount of water Water can be the main reason for a plants’ death. Plants don’t like getting over watered, they don’t like under watering either. A good tip is to try and make sure that the soil is moist at all times, but not soaking! If you want a low maintenance plant, succulents, along with arid plants like Yuccas don’t need much watering, as little as once or twice a month.

3. Keep your plant clean Sometimes we forget that we also need to clean our plants! They can soon become poor-looking when dust has built up or can even contract insect pest infections. You can clean your plant with a soft cloth and use insecticide soap if necessary. Do not use a duster as if the plant contains bacterial pests they can spread from place to place increasing the infection.

4. Remove unhealthy growth – House plants can grow quite large and can become sick at times. Ensure to remove any excess or sick growth. This prevents the plant from becoming overgrown and messy.

5. Prevent Spillages – We all have accidents from time to time and knock over our cup of coffee, but it is best to try not do this over your plant. The left over sugars in the soil can attract flies and make it the perfect breading ground. Yak! we do not want flies on our beautiful rose plant!

We hope that this helps you when caring for your plant! Still looking for the perfect plant? Check out our beautiful range of plants. We are sure to have the plant for you and your home, or even send it as a fab long lasting gift (this depends on whether they can keep it alive, this blog may help).

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