Caring For Peonies

Find out how to get the longest life from your beautiful bouquet!

It’s clear that peonies are beautiful from their huge flower heads, colours and perfumed smell that fills the room but peonies are much more than just a pretty face! They have a super long history going back 4000 years, linked to Greek mythology. Legend says that the god of healing was turned into a peony to relieve Zeus’ anger and jealousy. It’s no surprise that they now symbolise long, happy marriages, elegance, poise and even good fortune!

The peony flower blooms every year between mid-May to late July, so caring for peonies is important to extend their life because they don’t stick around for very long in the UK. They come in a variety of colours but the main ones are white, pink, purple, romantic reds and, very occasionally, yellows.

Caring for peonies is really easy. To get the most out our your bouquet find a nice and spacious vase with room for lots of cold water. Trim all of the leaves that may be submerged in the water from the stem to prolong the longevity of each and every flower.

Peonies are a sucker for the cold! When caring for peonies they should be put in the coolest room possible. Change the cold water every 2-3 days (don’t forget the extra plant food!) and cut an inch from each stem every time it’s changed. The stems should be under water when cut.

When the flower heads have opened to their fullest you can move them to a slightly warmer room and they will bloom for days on end! Keep changing the water and cutting the stems to make them last even longer!

Any avid gardeners out there? If so, and you fancy growing your own to brighten up the garden, make sure your soil is wet before planting and don’t fertilise the soil more than once every few years. Caring for peonies outdoors takes a lot of love and care and you often won’t see your peonies flower until 3 years later… maybe you’re best just buying a bunch then?

Check out our full range of peony bouquets and summer bouquets – go on, treat yourself!

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