How to care for an indoor rose plant

Rose plants are a beautiful addition to any home and can last for a very long time if you care for them properly.

Sometimes we aren’t quite sure on the best way to look after our plants so we are here to help. Simply follow our care tips to make the most out of your rose plant!

Our top tips on how to care for an indoor rose plant!


Rose plants won’t bloom if they don’t get enough sunshine. Ensure your plant gets several hours of sunshine each day.


Flowering roses are thirsty, and they dry out quickly in containers. Stick your finger in the soil to check for dryness every day or two, especially if you’re growing miniature roses outdoors.

Remove dead blooms

In order to keep the plant looking its best remove dying flowers as soon as they fade. Do not pluck them off with your hands as this can tear and damage the stem. Use sharp pruners and trim them at a 45° angle.

Pruning miniature roses

If your plant is new it will not need pruning but as they get older it is important to remove any dead branches or flowers. In the Autumn after the plant has flowered don’t be afraid to trim it generously. Yearly pruning will promote vigorous growth as well as keeping the flowers healthy. When pruning use clean shears and always cut at a 45° angle, 1/4-inch above a leaf axil.

Repot year-old roses

Do you think your plant is overgrowing its pot?  Tease apart roots with your fingers, removing as much of the original soil as possible and replant in a suitably sized pot drainage holes. Repot in fall, after the flowering season is over.

In Winter

Roses go dormant in winter and will drop their leaves. Giving roses a rest period in winter will prolong the life and health of the plants. Keep them cool during this time.

Yellow leaves

Yellow leaves that drop off can be a symptom of a few things. Lack of sunlight, dry soil, and dry air will cause roses to shed their leaves. Resuming good care of miniature roses will help them recover.

We have a beautiful range of rose plants available at Blossoming Gifts and they make for a beautiful long lasting gift! Shop Rose Plants to treat yourself or a loved one to the perfect pick me up. All of our plants are available for next day delivery across the UK, don’t miss out!

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