Funny New Years Resolutions

new year resolutions featured


You know you’re never going to stick at them anyway!


It’s tradition that as the 1st of January comes around each year we all make a New Years resolution. Generally this is to stop something or do more of something and generally it tends to go out of the window come the 1st of February; March at a push (but it’s the taking part that counts ey?!). So if you’re stuck on what to pick this year here’s a few pointers:


1) Love yourself like Kanye loves himself 

That’s a whole lotta love





2) Believe in yourself like Kanye believes in himself

Can you see the theme here? We can all be Presidents! (or Prime Ministers here in the UK…)


New Years Resolution



3) Spend less time talking to people and more time on your phone

I can see a lot of people being reeeeally good at this one… maybe it should be the other way around?


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4) Write out all of your antics from New Years Eve and write STOP beside them

Because lets face it, NYE is always a messy night. This also works great for last minute resolutions!


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5) Stop boring your boss with the same sick day excuses, think of some new ones!

They’re going to work out what’s going on soon enough.


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6) Watch the shows you’ve neglected on Netflix

This time of year is about sharing the love, they deserve it too!


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7) Stick to your New Years resolution for more than a week

Okay so this is a secondary resolution I guess, but the point is still there.


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8) Actually find out what the word resolution means

It might make sticking to one easier.

new years resolution9) #NewYearNewMe

Honestly I’m not too sure why anybody says this, it never happens. If you wanna try though, go for it! #FreshStart


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10) Complete resolutions from 2014 that were made in 2013 and planned in 2012

Did we forget about those? Whoopsie.


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11) Become a ‘cooler’ person

Inspired by Honey Boo Boo herself.


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12) Stop editing your pictures on social media

What if you go lost?!


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13) Buy some bigger jeans

Exercise is just way too much effort. Comfort and cake all the way!


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14) Alternatively, have a fat bank account and a thin body

And try not to mix the two up. Get rich or cry trying!


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15) Enjoy 2016 to the most!



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