Bonfire Night Safety Tips

Remember, remember the 5th of November.

What is Bonfire Night? In 1605 Guy Fawkes, along with others attempted a plot to kill King James 1st by blowing up the House of Parliament (the Gunpowder plot). Since 1951, us Brits have celebrated the fail attempt by creating bonfires and letting of fireworks, before this date it was illegal to celebrate Bonfire Night in the UK.

Bonfire Night can be one of the most exciting nights of the year and it should be, but it’s important to keep safe around both bonfires and fireworks.

Did you know?

  • If three sparklers burn together, the heat will be as hot as a blowtorch used for joining metal.
  • Fireworks can travel at speeds up to 150mph, the speed of some biplanes.
  • Throwing a firework is a criminal offence and you can be fined 5000 for doing so.

Dos and Don’ts

Whilst attending your Bonfire event, remember that there are certain things you should and should not do.


  • Only use sparklers when supervised by an adult.
  • Stand far away from both the bonfire and the fireworks.
  • Light only one sparkler at a time and hold at arm length whilst wearing gloves.
  • Keep your pets inside during bonfire night.
  • Only adults should light fireworks.
  • Once the fireworks are finished, place them in a bucket of water.
  • Keep a bucket of water ready for emergencies.


  • Go near a firework after it has been lit.
  • Go near a firework after it has gone off; leave it for adults to put in water and clean up.
  • Use sparklers without wearing gloves.
  • Keep the bonfire in the way of things such as trees and buildings.
  • Give sparklers to children under the age of five.
  • Light fireworks after 11pm (this is illegal).

Pet Safety

Don’t forget your pets’ safety! Your pets can be very anxious around bonfire night as they do not understand the loud noises that fireworks make. In the wild, loud noises such as these would indicate something is wrong, so don’t be alarmed if your pet is hiding away.

  • Close all windows and curtains so that the sound is reduced. Also, turn up the TV to help distract from the noise.
  • Make sure you give your dog a good walk before the evening, this way you are not taking them out once the fireworks start.
  • For smaller pets, make sure they have everything they need for the evening.
  • If your pet in hiding, leave them there, disturbing them will only create more fright.
  • Occupy your pet with a treat or a toy to distract them from the noise.

We hope you have enjoyed reading our bonfire night safety post and have learned a few tips.

Why not receive a flower delivery from Blossoming Gifts to celebrate Bonfire Night? We have a wide range of colourful autumn flowers that will really resemble the beautiful colours of the fireworks! 

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